The dark-hearted matador Vega enters a bullfighting arena to show off his skills. Vega notices the beauty of Chun-Li the second he enters the arena, and immediately develops an attraction to her. He gives her a rose before fighting the bull, declaring that he would defeat the bull in her honor. Vega is victorious, and presents Chun-Li with the bull's ear as proof of his victory. Chun-Li becomes uneasy when around Vega after this incident. Ryu, Ken, and Chun-Li meet up with Vega a couple more times outside of the bullfighting arena, and each time Vega shows more and more affection towards Chun-Li. In the middle of the night when Chun-Li, Ryu, and Ken are sleeping, Vega sneaks into Chun-Li's hotel room and kisses her. Vega manages to cast a love potion over Chun Li, where she will only focus on him via a daze each time she sees him. Vega manages to escape the room just as Ken notices that someone is there. The episode ends as Ryu, Ken, and Chun-Li wake up.